Wednesday 9 April 2014

Age is No Barrier: Learning to Drive at a High Wycombe Driving School

Another reason for learning to drive later in life is the increased confidence in oneself. Quite a few late blooming drivers hesitated in taking up driving when they were younger because they thought they would not be able to handle the task, both financially and mentally. True enough, it has been noted that younger people have a tendency to take risks behind the wheel, while older drivers are more careful. Experts say this is because the brain only fully develops risk evaluation skills after the age of 25.

Fortunately for those seeking late in life to learn the art of driving, there are quite a few excellent driving schools in High Wycombe, like the Rookie Driver School of Motoring. These establishments have well-trained and highly qualified instructors who know how to motivate newbies of any age. After all, a good teacher and a positive attitude are all that a person needs to become a skilled driver.

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